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We’ve been hearing the Christmas story from the gospels of Matthew & Luke, of a baby being born in Bethlehem, of shepherds, and angels, and some of magi. Mark has no Christmas story at all. John has a Christmas story, but it’s very different. It’s a story of the Word, which has always been, being born, a Word that is Life and is Light. This light shines in the darkness and the darkness does not overcome it.

That’s what makes Jesus’ birth so amazing. Every baby being more is a wondrous grace-filled miracle. But the birth of Jesus was even more. With his birth, the light of God, was born. Jesus grew up and said, “I am the light of the world,” and then he said, “you are the light of the world!” The light of God gets passed and spread until it touches every one of us.

At Christmas we celebrate light!


Pastor Mia

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