There’s an old joke that you should never pray for patience, because God will give you a chance to practice. Perhaps praying for faith is even riskier!
And yet, that is our prayer and it was the prayer of the first apostles. We want to grow in faith, in knowing and hearing the voice of God, in the courage of whole-life discipleship, and in the joy of kin-dom living.
Jesus own life was a model of increasing faith, with a three-fold pattern — 1) time alone with God, 2) time with the disciples, and 3) time with the crowds. Small groups are a great way to spend time with other disciples and model our own lives after Jesus. This Sunday you’ll be able to sign up for a time and join a small group.
Sunday. 10 a.m. Inside our sacred sanctuary (no jacket required). Invite friends hungry to grow in faith.
Peace, Pastor Mia