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This week we’ll hear from Bishop Cedrick via video, on the stuff in our lives and the ways Jesus’ influence impacts our time. Bishop Cedrick is a great preacher with a message on Jesus’ influence and ours.

I tell my teenagers that not everybody is watching them as much as they think. They have lots of that adolescence angst over how they look and assuming that everyone is watching and judging. People may not be noticing every blemish, but they are watching us and they are noticing our character. When our character aligns with Jesus’, the kingdom lights up for a watching world. People see the unfailing love and hope we have from God. They see us as influencers with uncrushable hope.

We are Christ’s Ambassadors. Jesus called his followers to be seen. You are the light of the world. You are the salt of the earth. You have influence.


Pastor Mia

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