On Christmas Eve we’ll gather to mark the end of Advent and the beginning of the Christmas season — twelve days of celebration!! We’ll celebrate that God came to be one of us. We’ll celebrate that God shares our joys, our sorrows, our sufferings, and our triumphs. We’ll celebrate that Jesus was born!!
The birth of Jesus the Christ was announced to shepherds by angels. A whole bunch of angels! The shepherds ran off to Bethlehem to see “the Messiah, the Lord.” We also run off to worship the newborn king, the Son of God.
This same Jesus will grow up to bid us come and follow. Discipleship. The Christmas story reminds us who it is we follow. Jesus was an amazing teacher, true. Jesus was a prophet, yes. But firstly and primarily, Jesus was the Son of God, the incarnation of the author of the universe. That is who we follow.
Join us at worship Christmas Eve at 4:30pm or 11pm — stay warm in your car listening through your car radio, or join me outside in your snowpants with Christmas carols, candles, and communion (and some firepits and propane heaters). Invite your friends. Sunday at 10:30am is lessons & carols.
Thanks be to God!!
— Pastor Mia